Location: Bryant Street Market
670 Rhode Island Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002
A US Chess Federation (USCF) rated tournament for adults and students
Sections: Open (all ages), K-1 Championship, K-1 U400, K-3 Championship, K-3 U600, K-5 Championship, K-5 U600, K-8 Championship, K-8 U600, K-12 Championship, K-12 U800
You may play in sections with ages higher than yours, but not lower.
U### sections are limited to players with USCF ratings below that number, or players without USCF ratings.
Format: 4-SS (4 rounds / games; Swiss System - everyone plays 4 games).
G/45,d5 (45 minutes per side, 5 second delay per move).
Check in 9:15 am - 9:45 am. 1st round starts at 10 am.Awards:
Entry fee: Please pay at the door upon check-in.
Register online at https://caissachess.net/online-registration/index/3853
Please register early! No onsite registration!
Registration closes 5/10 at 9 pm!
Please email dcstatechess@gmail.com or text (202) 557-9516 for more information.
Please follow our Instagram page: www.instagram.com/dcstatechess/
Sponsored by: MRP Realty, Ateya Productions, and the DC State Chess Federation
The DC State Chess Federation provides accessible and affordable opportunities for all children, adults, and seniors to learn and play chess in and around the District of Columbia, particularly people of color who are historically underrepresented in chess and to build bridges between people of diverse backgrounds.
Lucy Diggs Slowe (1885-1937) was an American educator and athlete. She was a tennis champion, winning the national title of the American Tennis Association's first tournament in 1917, the first African-American woman to win a major sports title. In 1919, the District of Columbia asked Slowe to create the first junior high school in its system for Black students and then appointed her as principal. She led Shaw junior high school until 1922, creating the first integrated in-service training for junior high school teachers in the District. Slowe then served for 15 years as the first Dean of Women at Howard University, and the first Black woman to serve as Dean of Women at any American university.