DCC -- A Series of Under 1800 Events: Event #2

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NOTE: Only the top 4 player(s) from each team are being used for the standings/prizes

DCC -- A Series of Under 1800 Events: Event #2
04/01/2023 - 04/01/2023

DCC A Series of Under 1800 Events: Event #2 -- $1,375 in Guaranteed Prizes!  April 1st, 2023

Online Registration closes on 3/31/2023 at 6pm OR if Player Registrations reach the max of 48 players

Click here to see LIVE pairings, results, and standings throughout the tournament

Notes: Please read carefully.

Registered players: If you have not requested a bye for round 1, you will be paired automatically for the first round.

The Denver Chess Club reserves the right to change tournament specifications as deemed appropriate.

Regular Time-Control: 4 round Swiss system tournament (Saturday All sections).

USCF membership required: Renew or join here: https://new.uschess.org/form/membership

Site: Aurora Public Library Hoffman Branch

1298 Peoria St., Aurora, CO 80011

           Phone: 303-739-1572

Registration: Online Only at denverchess.com - Limited to 48 players.  Online Registration closes when 48 players are registered or otherwise at 6pm on 3/31

Late registrations will be allowed if there are remaining spots.  At the Door Entries on Saturday morning, after 10am permitted, if there remain any open spots.  Player agrees to accept a half point bye for Round 1. 

Registration Limited to the first 48 players (due to venue capacity).  

Bring your board, chess pieces and clock if you own them!


U1800 (Minimum Rating USCF 1400)


Note: Unrated players must play in the U1400 section

Note: Separate considerations will be made for players having non-USCF ratings.  Please email president@denverchess.com ahead of the tournament with the particular circumstances.  Thank you!

Entry fees:

No Refunds after Thursday 3/31/23

U1800 Section: $40

U1400/Unrated Section: $35

DCC members receive a discount of $5.

Time Control: 4 Rounds. All sections: Saturday: Rounds 1-4: G/55; +10 second delay.  

Bye Policy: Only one half point bye will be allowed.  Any round 4 byes will be scored as zero, but will not be considered a withdrawal.


U1800 (minimum +1400 USCF) [1st, 2nd,3rd]: $300, $150, $75;

Best U1600: $150 

2nd Best U1600: $75

U1400/Unrated [1st, 2nd,3rd]: $225, $125, $75   

Best U1200$125 

2nd Best U1200$75

Unrated players are only eliglibe for place prizes in the U1400/Unrated section

Round Times : All Sections: Round 1-4: Saturday 9:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 2:45 PM 5:00 PM

Pairings: Swiss pairings made by Caisachess.net

U1800 Rating Qualification: A player's "Live" rating as of 3/21/2023, or their "Live" rating "on Round 1", whichever is lower, can be used for tournament qualifiaiton (e.g. a player who is U1800 when they register who then get rated above 1799 before round 1, is allowed to play) (supplement ratings will still be used for sections)

This event is not a DCC tour event

Tournament Director: Andy Starr - 303.552.6032

Contact Info: E-mail questions to: president@denverchess.com

Questions by Phone: JC MacNeil - 303.883.2684