Location: Clovis Cards & Comix (50 W Bullard Ave #109 Clovis, CA 93612)
Tournament Date: Saturday, December 2, 2023
Entry Fee: $35.00 (due at the tournament - cash preferred)
Time Control: G/40; d/5 (4 rounds)
Check In: 8:30AM
Round 1 starts at 9:00AM and subsequent rounds are on a rolling schedule. (Estimated end time is 4pm)
$$ CASH PRIZES $$ (80% of the income goes to the prize fund)
PLEASE NOTE: This is a USCF Rated tournament. Each player must have a current USCF membership. For more information on how to join the United States Chess Federation, click here.
For more information, please text Joel Rockey (559-341-2139)