The Oklahoma City Open

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NOTE: Only the top 4 player(s) from each team are being used for the standings/prizes

The Oklahoma City Open
02/21/2025 - 02/23/2025

The 2025 Oklahoma City Open
February 21–23 or 22–23

At the Oklahoma City Chess Club
10 NE 10th Street in downtown OKC
(Upstairs in the Kamp's 1910 building)

Five rounds. Swiss.

*The first two rounds of the two-day schedule will be game/75;d5.


  • G/90+30, 5 Rounds, Swiss, USCF Regular Rated
  • Two-day schedule R1 & R2 - G/75; d/5


  • Three-day schedule: Friday at 6:30, Saturday 11 and 4, Sunday at 10 and 3
  • Two-day schedule: Saturday at 10, 1, and 4, Sunday at 10 and 3

First-place prizes guaranteed. All others are based on 50 paid, full-price entries.

  • OPEN: 1st $500 + trophy, 2nd $300, 3rd $100, top U1800 $75
  • U1600: 1st $200 + trophy, 2nd $100, 3rd $50,
    • Trophies to top three U1000

Save $ and enter by midnight on Monday, February 17.

  • $50 for seniors (65+)**
  • $50 players registering with more than one sibling (no age limit)
  • Free entry for Masters+
  • Free entry for new players**
  • $60 everybody else

All entries after Feb. 17: $70

Players may re-enter from the three-day to the two-day schedule for $15.
Play up to Open (must be rated 1450+): $10

​**SENIORS who wish to pay their EF in cash can still get the discount. Just email us before midnight on Monday 2/17.

​*NEW PLAYERS: purchase your US Chess membership through us by Monday 2/17 and pay no entry fee for this tournament. Choose the “new player” option at registration and we’ll send you a link to a membership form.

No outside food or drink is permitted on Friday or Saturday. Instead, enjoy something from Kamp's delicious menu.

Ignore the "school/team" field below. This is not a scholastic tournament.