NOTE: Only the top 4 player(s) from each team are being used for the standings/prizes
Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles, 506 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90071
(Click above link to book a hotel room: $159/night)
After you register, check the Entry List on this website to confirm that your name is there. No one will be allowed to play if they are not on the Entry List.
(If you are a new player or not sure if this is the right event/section, please email ICEA Chess to inquire which event link should be used.)
1. The rating in parentheses indicates the maximum rating allowed for that section. For example, if you are in 2nd grade but have a rating above 700, you will not be eligible to play in the K-3 Section. Eligibility will be based on the March 2025 Supplement Rating. If you do not have a rating yet, you can register for any section that matches your grade.
NOTE: Two 1/2 point byes are allowed with no restrictions
Q: I am from Northern California or another state. Can I still participate in the SuperStates Junior Varsity?
A: Yes, you are welcome to join us and compete for trophies!