Frederick Showdown XXV (Open, U1200)

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NOTE: Only the top 4 player(s) from each team are being used for the standings/prizes

Frederick Showdown XXV (Open, U1200)
09/29/2024 - 09/29/2024

Frederick Showdown XXV (Open, U1200) G/30 +5
What: 4 round, 2 Sections, USCF Chess Rated Tournament, G/30 +5incr. (Open, U1200)
When: 29 Sep 2024, from 1-6 PM. Registration from 12:00-12:45. 
Where: Hood College (Whitaker Campus Center, 1st door on the left), 401 Rosemont Ave, Frederick, MD 217011
Entry: $20 Cash

Online Registration: 

Prizes: Based on 30 Players
Open: $100; $50; $25
U1200: $50; $25

US Chess Federation membership required; onsite sign up not available.

Tournament Director: TBD.
Questions can be emailed to:

NOTE: Parking available in the Whitaker lot & street parking.