Tri-Valley K-12 Challenger Dec 2023

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NOTE: Only the top 4 player(s) from each team are being used for the standings/prizes

Tri-Valley K-12 Challenger Dec 2023
12/17/2023 - 12/17/2023

This is the third monthly tournament held by Emerald Hills Chess and the Tri-Valley Chess League aimed at novice scholastic tournament players up to 300 rating.

The morning Challenger provides an affordable way for K-12 players to enter their first US Chess Federation tournament, gain an official (Quick) rating, and potentially win a trophy.

Date: Sun Dec. 17, 2023 

Location: Stratford School (Middle School location), 3800 Stoneridge Drive, Pleasanton (see map)

Who: Unrated and novice tournament players under 300 rating divided into two sections: K-5 and Grades 6-12 (experienced tournament players over 300 rating should compete in the Afternoon Premier and Championship)

Time: 11:00AM-1:30 PM

Format: 5 rounds of quick-rated games using time control for each player of Game in 12 minutes with 3 second delay. 

Entry Fee: $10 ($20 US Chess Federation junior membership also required; you may purchase with us below or via

Players that play AM Challenger may also enter the Afternoon Premier tournament for experienced players,1:30 to 5:30 PM - REGISTER HERE
