HCC November Friday Knight Quads (SCHOLASTIC)

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NOTE: Only the top 4 player(s) from each team are being used for the standings/prizes

HCC November Friday Knight Quads (SCHOLASTIC)
11/17/2023 - 11/17/2023

HCC Friday Knight Quads (SCHOLASTIC K-12)

DATE:  Friday, November 17, 2023
ROUND TIMES:  Round 1 at 6:00PM, Subsequent rounds ASAP (Tournament expected to finish by about 8:45PM).
TIME CONTROL:   G/25,d5; (Each player has 25 minutes to make all their moves in each game; each move there is a 5 second delay before clock starts counting down).
LOCATION:  Play More Chess Academy, Home of the Hamden Chess Club, 1227 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT 06517
REQUIREMENTS:  USCF membership is required prior to registering for this tournament - Join or Renew your USCF membership/membership ID number at:  https://new.uschess.org/join-us-chess.  Students K-12, of all levels are welcome, including unrated.   This is a Quads tournament. Players will be placed in groups of four (quads) based on rating and will play against others of similar rating levels.
BYES:  No byes permitted as this a three round tournament.  All participants are expected to complete all of their games. 
ENTRY FEE: $25-40  (Discounts for early entry and for Hamden Chess Club members) 
ENTRY DEADLINE:  Early entry discounted fee deadline: Wednesday 11:59PM (Two days before tournament);  Regular entry deadline: Friday 4:00PM (Day of tournament).  No on-site registration.

REGISTRATION AND CURRENT ENTRIES:     https://caissachess.net/online-registration/index/3270

PRIZES:  Trophies for player(s) in each quad who achieve at least 2 points out of 3.  (i.e 1 point for each game won; 1/2 point for each game drawn, 0 point for each game lost).  There will be no computer calculated tie-breaks. Chess medals for all other players within each quad.
REFUNDS/CANCELLATION POLICY:  If you cannot play in this event, you may withdraw by emailing: info@PlayMoreChess.com.   A request for a refund may be made no later than Wednesday 11:59 PM  (Wednesday Before Tournament). Refunds must be requested by email and are subject to a $15 cancellation fee to cover administrative and credit card processing charges. 
ADDITIONAL NOTES:  Participants must be students grades K-12.  Weighted tournament chess sets and digital clocks (DGT 3000) are provided.  Must use our equipment. Check website (https://PlayMoreChess.com) for any cancelations/postponements due to inclement weather. Any changes will also be emailed to registrants. For contact during the event please email info@playmorechess.com as club phone will be silenced during tournament.