Colorado Ironman 2016 Blitz #2

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NOTE: Only the top 4 player(s) from each team are being used for the standings/prizes

Colorado Ironman 2016 Blitz #2
08/20/2016 - 08/20/2016

8 double round Swiss System tournament

Ironman Points: 6 per win, 3 per draw

Time Control: G/3 + 2i

Site: Marriott Denver Tech Center 4900 S Syracuse St Denver, CO 80237


Open: Open to all current USCF members (rated and unrated).
Reserve: Open to all USCF members rated under 1800 and unrated.

Entry fee: $30 if received by August 19, 2016, $35 on-site

Prizes: 70% of gross entries to tournament prizes 10% gross entries to ironman prizes

Entries: Christofer Peterson 1621 Long Bow Ct Lafayette CO, 80026

Registration: 3:00pm-4:15pm
Round 1: 4:30pm
Round 2: 5:05pm
Round 3: 5:40pm
Round 4: 6:45pm
Round 5: 7:20pm
Round 6: 7:55pm
Round 7: 8:30pm
Round 8: 9:05pm

*Round times are estimates
Play the same opponent twice: once with white, once with black.

USCF membership required, renew or join here

Latest USCF Blitz rules used Colorado Ironman Event Highest of blitz, quick, and regular ratings used for sectioning, prizes, and ironman placement